Update on the Clarence Square Action Plan and Resolution - December 9, 2024
After several months of focused and consistent efforts through my Clarence Square Action Plan and the City’s Interdivisional Protocol for Encampments, as of today there are no encampments in the Clarence Square Park.
My team and I have worked closely with City staff, community partners, emergency services, and neighbours to advance a people-first, human-rights based approach that prioritizes outreach, providing support and information, and connecting to shelter. While this has been challenging work, and I have been committed to responding to community concerns, and keeping in regular communication with neighbours – and I thank you for your commitment to resolving this through a dedicated approach.
Results from the Clarence Square Action Plan
I initiated the Clarence Square Action Plan in March, following a spike of tents in the park over the winter. As a result:
- Since March, 40 people have been referred indoors and 11 people have moved into permanent housing
- Also since March, 96 new encampments were prevented, by immediately providing shelter space referrals
- And since January, 115 encampments have been resolved.
Working with people along their journey to housing takes time. This is especially true as Toronto remains in a housing and shelter crisis, where shelters have remained consistently full and the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit payments were suspended by the province for several months this year. During that time, staff continued to work at Clarence Square to take on activities that ensured people were ready for housing including:
- 19 people supported in obtaining identification
- 23 people supported in accessing income supports
- 30 people supported in filing taxes, which ensures eligibility for benefits and is a requirement for housing
Every encampment requires a unique approach - but the work to put people’s needs first, as taken through the Clarence Square Action Plan, has helped inform the City’s efforts across Toronto. I met with all City divisions involved monthly to assess the progress being made and apply the feedback shared by you.
I’m grateful for all of the city and community staff who’ve worked over the past several months to conduct daily outreach visits for people staying in the park, do daily clean ups of the park, and provide health care services.
Safety, for those in the encampment and in the neighbourhood, has also been a priority for me. I want to thank the security staff, Community Safety Teams, Toronto Fire Services staff, Neighbourhood Community Officers, and all other emergency responders who’ve done proactive work to address safety concerns in the park and respond quickly to emergencies. I know it has been challenging - having eyes on the ground has helped manage emergencies well.
What’s Next in Clarence Square Park
I know that Clarence Square Park is a well-loved, well-used park that deserves more investment. Here is what you can expect to see over the coming weeks and months:
- For the next 5 days: Immediate park clean up. City staff will be onsite at the park over the next few days to do a detailed review of the space, remove unwanted litter and items, and then do a fine cleaning to identify and safely remove all metal and/or sharp hazards that may be embedded in the turf.
- For the next 30 days: Continued encampment prevention. Security teams and Community Safety Teams will remain onsite for the next 30 days, to continue to do encampment prevention, by quickly referring people who may arrive to shelter and services. At the end of 30 days, staff will assess what continued supports are needed.
- Over the next few months: Play Mobile activations. There will be activations with Community Recreation staff and the Play Mobile with the first one on Saturday December 14 from 11am-3pm, with more dates to come. Please come by and share with your neighbours!
- In Spring 2025: Turf remediation and fountain assessment. In the spring, Parks staff will conduct turf assessments to examine what is needed to re-green the park and assess repairs needed to the fountain. I will provide updates on more specific dates in the new year, as weather changes.
Share what park improvements and activations you’d like to see. Staff are actively exploring options for improvements and activations with community groups. Share what you’d like to see with me in a quick survey below.
Take Action to Support Housing
We know that the only way to address encampments for the long term is by creating permanent solutions to our city’s housing crisis. I continue to work with my council colleagues to pull every lever we can to invest in and open affordable and supportive housing. But we need support from other levels of government and we need your voice and your support. You can:
- Sign this petition to help the City open more shelters, to ensure people get emergency housing when they need it. It will send an email to all of your representatives.
- Add your name to support making the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit permanent.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - November 25, 2024
Since the Clarence Square Action Plan came into effect, over 115 encampments have been resolved. Resolution includes tents that have been serviced after being abandoned or that have been vacated either due to referrals to housing, reunification, or relocation to unknown destinations.
Currently there are 5 individuals remaining in the park, which is further down from 12 in my last update. With housing plans for almost all, at our monthly Clarence Square Action Plan check in, Toronto Shelter and Support Services agreed to prioritize them for supportive housing. 3 people are actively reviewing housing options.
This progress at Clarence Square Park follows my push to have a dedicated approach to resolving the encampment at this site and the City’s Encampment Strategy, which emphasizes a Housing First, Human Rights and Person-Centred approach to deliver long-term resolution to an encampment.
And this progress is possible as the City continues to invest in and open affordable and supportive housing, with multiple announcements across the city over the last few weeks. We need many more of these options across our city, and my Council colleagues and I continue to advocate for all levels of Government to provide their fair share to respond to the crisis.
The City’s 2024/2025 Winter Services Plan has also been activated and will provide approximately 1,200 new shelter beds and up to 286 housing units are expected to become available to move people from shelter into permanent housing. Four Warming Centres will also be ready to activate when temperatures reach minus 5 degrees Celsius or during a winter weather event warning. Daytime drop-in hours will be extended.
All enhanced services remain in place in Clarence Square Park.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - September 20, 2024
Over the month of August our Parks, Forestry and Recreation teams have continued to visit Clarence Square daily to conduct clean-ups and garbage collection. Their needle cleaning team has been attending on weekends to ensure safety during these busy periods as well.
Street to Homes staff attended the site 24 times since August 12. They were able to refer 5 people to indoor shelter spaces and continued to work with the rest on their housing plans. This includes working to get them IDs, prepare their taxes, income support and more, so that when housing units are available they are ready to sign a lease and move in. 5 encampments were prevented last month, which brings the total encampments resolved since the beginning of the year and the implementation of my Clarence Square Action Plan to 115. This brings the number of encampments to 15 with 12 people staying in the Park.
I can also share that since August 6, Toronto Employment & Social Services staff have started attending Clarence Square Park 2 days a week for 2 hours a day to help individuals connect with appropriate financial supports, employment opportunities, and navigate City services and Provincial services to allow them to be prepared for the day after they find housing.
Security teams continue to be stationed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to monitor the park and report incidents to the Encampment Office and emergency services. Toronto Fire Services continues to visit the site weekly to identify and educate on fire safety, and Community Safety teams operate during the evening and overnight (4pm to 8am), 7 days a week to provide de-escalation, mental health and drug overdose responses for the area.
Please note, if you witness illegal activity, please contact the Toronto Police Service non-emergency line at 416-808-2222 or visit: https://www.tps.ca/contact/416-808-2222-police-non-emergency/ My office does not have the authority to direct police operations, or to interfere in legal or criminal matters.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - August 20, 2024
Last week I met again with the Clarence Square Working Group, which brings all of the local community organisations, first responders and City Divisions working at the site together to share updates and ensure there is a coordinated and efficient approach. Using the recently adopted Encampment Approach and Strategy and Encampment Prevention Plan, the current statistics indicate that there are 14 encampments with 16 unhoused individuals. 33 referrals have been completed from this location since January, with 12 encampments redirected from the park since July and 107 since the implementation of the Action Plan. 10 individuals are currently ready for housing, and our Street to Homes outreach teams are actively building rapport with the others.
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) staff continue to visit Clarence Square daily to conduct clean-ups, and garbage collection. The Community Safety team continues to operate during the evening and overnight (4pm to 8am), 7 days a week. On July 19th, a large cleanup took place with participation from people in the encampment, resulting in 5,250 kg of waste and debris removed. Another large cleanup was done in August with three trucks full of debris removed. Since July 1st, 11,180 kg of debris has been removed, and for the year, 73,515 kg of debris has been removed from Clarence Square. Outreach staff have been monitoring and working with people to reduce debris, dry out and put away belongings. Security continues to be stationed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toronto Fire Services visit the site, as it is a priority site, to identify and educate on fire safety. Over the past few weeks, many people have needed to access identifications, medical and mental health care. Outreach partners including Albion Neighbourhood Services, Na Me Res, YMCA, and healthcare partners such as the Inner-City Health Associates’ Street Clinical Outreach teams help meet these needs and navigate these services.
I also want to note that currently, our shelter system is well over capacity. Each night, nearly 250 people in need of shelter are turned away from the City’s shelter intake because there are no beds available. At the same time, the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) program, which was helping people move from shelters and into affordable housing, has been stalled due to delays from the Ontario Government. Toronto has been without any Housing Benefits for almost four months due to Provincial inaction, resulting in a backlog of people unable to exit the shelter system. At the July meeting, Council adopted a motion that calls on the provincial government to allocate the funding for these housing benefits immediately. I will continue to advocate to the Ontario Government for an immediate release of Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit funding, and for increased investment in permanent affordable and supportive housing. I encourage you to reach out to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Paul Calandra about this at [email protected].
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - July 26, 2024
With the help of our community partners and city staff using the Housing First approach and Encampment Prevention Plan, we saw the number of individuals go down from a high of 36 during the winter, to 13 as of today. In July so far, 2.17 tonnes of material has been removed from the park.
Consitent with my previous update, Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) staff continue to visit Clarence Square daily to conduct clean-ups, and garbage collection. The Community Safety team continues to operate during the evening and overnight (4pm to 8am), 7 days a week. Security is stationed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toronto Fire Services visit the site, as it is a priority site, to identify and educate on fire safety. We have community outreach partners attending the site, such as Albion Neighbourhood Services, Na Me Res, YMCA, and healthcare partners such as the Inner-City Health Associates’ Street Clinical Outreach teams. In mid-August, we will have a working group meeting with all these partners so if there are specific questions or concerns my office can bring to that meeting, please reach out.
The city-wide data shows that during warmer weather, encampments tend to grow throughout the city. There are currently 90 parks across the city that have encampments, bringing the total number to 288. There are currently 10,627 people staying in or seeking shelter in the city.
While the City moved 2,082 people across the city to permanent housing in June alone, more must be done. This week at Council, we received updates on two affordable housing projects in Ward 10 (and three others across the city), including advancing zoning amendments for a site at 1113-1117 Dundas St W. We’ll keep taking steps to address the housing crisis while we also prioritize supporting unhoused neighbours to ensure they are moved to shelter spaces and permanent housing to ensure a safer, more inclusive Toronto for all.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - July 4, 2024
I’m sharing recent updates for Clarence Square Park from the last several weeks, as well as the latest work from the City to address the shelter and housing crisis in our city. As you know, we are committed to connecting individuals to housing as a matter of quality of life, addressing and ensuring community access to our shared parks and green spaces.
I know there have been concerns about the progress, and my commitment is to keep moving forward together.
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) staff continue to visit Clarence Square daily to conduct clean-ups, and garbage collection. The Community Safety team continues to operate during the evening and overnight (4pm to 8am), 7 days a week. Security is stationed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toronto Fire Services visit the site, as it is a priority site, to identify and educate on fire safety. We have community outreach partners attending the site, such as Albion Neighbourhood Services, Na Me Res, YMCA, and healthcare partners such as the Inner-City Health Associates’ Street Clinical Outreach teams.
After a consistent decline in people encamping in the park since the start of the Action Plan, during the month of June, there was an uptick reaching a high of 24 individuals and 18 structures. This has ensured an reinforcing of measures key to the Action Plan, and with the help of our community partners and city staff using the Housing First approach and Encampment Prevention Plan, we saw the number of individuals go back down to 17 as of the end of June, and to the lowest number of structures since the Action Plan began at 12. In June 4275 kg of material was removed from the park.
This site remains a priority site for the Encampment Office, and all enhanced services remain in place, as the goal is to see successful housing outcomes and/or referrals into the shelter system. We are also working with PF&R staff to see how to beautify aspects of the park such as the off leash area and proposed additional tree planting this summer.
Additionally, I want to share updates on the City’s approach to encampments and shelters.
Last week at City Council, two important strategies passed, guiding the City’s efforts on encampments and shelters. First, The City’s Encampment Approach and Strategy outlined the City’s updated strategy for dealing with encampments, such as the one at Clarence Square Park, passed. As you may remember, last year the City’s Ombudsman wrote a serious report on the City’s failures during the encampment clearings of 2021. The report outlines how 28 of the 31 recommendations from the Ombudsman have been implemented, with staff working to resolve the final three.
The encampment at Clarence Square Park is following the new approach recommended in this report. Building on the lessons of the Dufferin Grove and Allan Gardens model, staff have created a unique program, based on the local needs, to ensure that at Clarence Square we are addressing the challenges in real ways, not just pushing those in encampments to a different park. This strategy will continue to be used at Clarence Square, and through encampments as they arrive in our City.
The second item, Advancing the Homelessness Services Capital Infrastructure Strategy, is taking the next steps to address our shelter crisis, funding 10 to 13 new shelter locations. This path forward creates an equitable system that looks to build shelter spaces across Toronto, not just in the downtown core. This path allows neighbours to stay in their communities. The creation of smaller 80 to 100 bed shelters, also follow the best practices the City has learned throughout the pandemic era. A proper shelter system will ensure residents have a safe and secure place to sleep at night.
While these reports align the work we are doing, this is a difficult process for our neighbourhood, and I am taking this seriously. Through these motions, City Council is clear, like us, that encampments are not a long-term solution to homelessness. Housing is the answer to homelessness. We’ll keep taking steps to address the housing concern, but that work is not done. Right now, we prioritize supporting the unhoused to ensure they are moved to shelter spaces and permanent housing to ensure a safer, more inclusive Toronto for all.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - May 3, 2024
Over the past month, we have continued to make strides in our efforts at Clarence Square Park. Through collaboration with City staff, nonprofit service providers, and emergency services, we’ve continued our work to ensure the safety and well-being of all community members and to provide a productive transition to secure permanent housing.
Since our last update, the City has further scaled up presence and supports in the park. These include:
- Twice daily visits by the Toronto Police Service’s 52 Division Neighbourhood Community Officers to conduct patrols around the entire park’s property. This includes a visit in the late afternoon/early evening.
- A second Community Safety Team (CST) being deployed to the park, covering 16 hours per day. In the remaining eight hours during the day between 8am and 4pm, operational staff are on-site to address hazardous materials clean up, and community safety concerns.
As of now, there are 15 encampments with 11 people staying at Clarence Square Park. Four people are engaged, but not yet committed to a housing plan, and staff are building rapport with them to keep moving forward. Ten people have housing plans. Since August 1, 2023, we have completed 36 shelter referrals from this location, and since January 1, 2024, two persons have been housed. Since April 1, 2024, 12,065 kg of material has been removed from the park. City staff provide regular updates to my office regarding successful housing outcomes and site cleaning activities. We will keep working to ensure that people can access services and resources that lead to long-term housing and that the park is safe and accessible for all.
Your input and feedback will be invaluable in helping us continue to identify areas for improvement - please reach out at [email protected] or sign up on this page for monthly updates. My commitment is to provide insight into the steps taken to ensure the long-term success of the Clarence Square Action Plan.
These efforts for lasting positive results will take working together, and with consistent effort, consideration, and community support, we can make a meaningful impact.
Progress Update on Clarence Square Action Plan - April 11, 2024
Over the past month, significant progress on the Clarence Square Action Plan has taken place in response to my urgent call in March. My team and I have worked with City staff to keep seriously prioritizing the safety and well-being for all of our community members and provide a productive transition to secure permanent housing.
Since March 15, the City has scaled up its presence and supports in the park. Important measures that have been been implemented in line with the Action Plan, include:
- 24/7 Security: A minimum of two security guards are now stationed on-site around the clock, supplemented by a community safety team operating in the evenings.
- Staff Trailer: A staff trailer has been set up to ensure the daily presence of City staff and community service providers. This has enhanced outreach and support, prioritizing housing/shelter availability, maintaining and cleaning the park, and providing culturally-connected service providers to assist residents in need.
- Maintenance and Safety Measures: Daily clean-up from Parks Forestry and Recreation, and a second portable toilet, as well as regular and on-going attendance by Toronto Fire Services.
Since the beginning of March of the 18 encamped residents, 9 are now actively moving towards housing and rapport is actively being built with 6 other individuals. That brings the total of indoor referrals made in 2024 to 21. In terms of maintenance, City staff removed 7.52 tonnes of waste in March and an additional 1.62 tonnes in April.
This week the staff trailer was installed in the park to bolster the daily work of street outreach staff. This is a modified shipping container for staff to connect individuals to services on-site. Staff can now spend more time facilitating access to primary care, mental health and substance use supports, as well as harm reduction services, income support and ID replacement needed for housing plans and lease signings.
I will be meeting with a task force of housing providers, social support organizations, and City staff. This team will inform and guide our response to ensure residents are housed as quickly and safely as possible. My team and I will meet with them bi-weekly to assess the effectiveness of the implemented measures.
New Clarence Square Action Plan - March 15, 2024
In response to my call one week ago for a Clarence Square Action Plan, the General Manager of Toronto Shelter and Support Services (TSSS) responded with the commitment and first steps necessary to implement the Clarence Square Action Plan. You can see the full response here.
In the response, TSSS has committed that starting immediately and over the next month they will be scaling up presence and supports in the park including:
- A minimum of two security guards on-site 24/7 beginning now, with two 24/7 community safety teams on-site to follow.
- A staff trailer, which will facilitate the daily presence of City staff and community service providers for enhanced outreach and supports ensuring: housing/shelter availability is presented and prioritized; the park is maintained and cleaned; and culturally-connected service providers are available to help residents in need.
- Daily clean-up from Parks Forestry and Recreation, and a second portable toilet, as well as regular and on-going attendance by Toronto Fire Services.
- Initiating the Encampment Prevention Plan in April, a focused and intensive deployment of supports and resources with the overall goal of ensuring all residents have an indoor place to stay, and the park is returned to full community use.
- Establish and begin organizing the regular meeting of the Clarence Square Working Group composed of local service providers and City Staff to inform and guide the response to ensure residents are housed as quickly and safely as possible.
As previously mentioned, we have seen positive outcomes and lessons learned of a program like this at Allan Gardens, where the encampment that reached a height of 89 people is now down to 6, with the vast majority going into shelter or permanent housing. While this work takes time, ensuring residents are provided permanent shelter increases the likelihood that those requiring shelter do not need to return to the park or simply relocate to other parks nearby in the neighbourhood.
The City has seen time-and-again that mass evictions do not work. They do not solve the housing and homelessness crisis, they do not keep people from returning to the park, and they have been deemed unconstitutional by the Ontario Superior Court.
The Clarence Square Action Plan creates a path to shelter for all those in the park, and will focus on lasting results to ensure the park is a place for everyone in our community to enjoy.
Calling for a Clarence Square Action Plan - March 8, 2024
On Friday, March 8, I sent the following letter to the General Manager of Toronto Shelter & Support Services (TSSS), calling for a Clarence Square Action Plan. Based upon the successful lessons we have learned at Allan Gardens, this Clarence Square Action Plan must include:
- additional security and fire safety personnel deployed around the clock to ensure safety and provide a rapid response to any emergencies
- a permanent ongoing presence in the park by Streets to Homes and outreach counsellors to expedite housing solutions for our vulnerable neighbours
- daily clean-up crews from Parks, Forestry, and Recreation on-site to help restore the park to a safe and accessible condition.
- the creation of a working group comprised of City staff and service providers, that will meet weekly to ensure swift action as the work evolves
- a formal plan for full community use of the park
Our city is at a time of transition. While the Housing Crisis still affects Toronto’s unhoused population, the housing and shelter wins we achieved through Mayor Chow’s 2024 budget have raised the opportunity for further action to take place. It is important that these new resources help ensure shelter spaces for encamped residents are provided, and that community supports are onsite to expedite the delivery of these critical services effectively.
Recently, we have seen the success of such a program in Allan Gardens. The City now has the ability to create such a program for sites like Clarence Square Park. I look forward to working with Toronto Shelter & Support Service staff to ensure this happens.
Update - February 29, 2024
This morning there was an alarming fire incident at Clarence Square Park. I fully understand that the incident highlights the pressing safety concerns and fears, not only of those in critical need of stable housing but also to the community surrounding Clarence Square Park. I am very relieved to hear that no injuries were reported.
I met with the Deputy Fire Chief who reported no injuries, and I am working with the Encampment Office, with Toronto Police Services on site, to ensure immediate action is taken to keep the area safe from fire risks and related dangers. My office has been working closely with Toronto Shelter & Support Services in the past weeks to organize a task force that includes department heads of various city divisions, local community organizations and greater coordination of City Divisions to expedite the housing of encampment residents through specialized services.
This matter continues to be a priority for me. We know that in our downtown core, public spaces including our parks are much-needed shared spaces used by residents, workers, and visitors.
I am actively working with my council colleagues and Mayor Chow to meet the housing crisis with the urgency it requires and to utilise all tools at the City’s disposal. City Council passed a budget that will accelerate and protect affordable housing by enabling the City to build 65,000 rent-controlled homes, investing in shelters and critical community services, and in our emergency services. This new budget will also allow us to expand the Clarence Square Park encampment response.
For the past several months, I have been working with City staff across divisions to provide the appropriate support and services that help encamped residents find shelter and housing. I have also been working to maintain regular communication with, and address the safety concerns of, neighbours to ensure the park can be accessible and well-maintained.
On this page, you’ll find information about:
Action we are taking
The City of Toronto is experiencing a homelessness emergency. Approximately 10,000 Toronto residents are currently facing homelessness. Every night, hundreds of people cannot access safe indoor space. In a city like ours, no one should have to be living outside in the cold. The City's position is always that the safest spaces are indoor spaces. Our current shelter system is often near or at full capacity. Some residents have been turned away or felt unsafe in these spaces, leaving many to feel that living outdoors is their best option. The City's centralized waitlist for subsidized housing for long-term rent-geared to income housing is unfortunately substantial and we know more must be done in the short-term to provide support.
Since I took office, I’ve been in regular conversations with City staff about encampments across Ward 10. My work has involved bolstering the social services available to unhoused residents and making them more easily available to those in need. This includes lowering the threshold for opening Warming Centres, opening new supportive homes, and easing access to supportive social housing units, as well as enhancing street outreach across the ward.
We know Clarence Square Park has historically been a converging point for unhoused residents in the downtown core. We’ve seen reactionary strategies that have failed to resolve the issue in the past. Our collective work is to ensure that people can access services and resources that lead to long-term housing and ensure the park is safe and accessible for all.
Over the last several months, my team and I have:
- Met, shared information, and communicated with local service providers, surrounding condo boards, and residents
- Worked with City staff to increase presence and resources in the park
- Connected with residents every day to collect garbage and prioritise safety for all park users
- Helped to open additional winter spaces for people in the Better Living Centre
At this time, it is all hands on deck from the Street Outreach team, Parks Ambassadors, Toronto Fire Services, and the Encampment Office. Working together, they follow the approach laid out in the Ombudsman report and the The Dufferin Grove model which enhances existing outreach efforts at the park by having City staff work collaboratively with community partners at the advisory and operational levels. This brings comprehensive social and health service supports directly to the park to help reduce service barriers and promote client self-determination.
Staff from Streets to Homes and the Encampment Office are onsite daily, working to refer encamped residents to every possible indoor space available, while recognizing that the need for emergency shelter and support services exceeds the space available.
Our office has also been regularly meeting with City staff to accelerate work on areas of immediate improvement in the park. This includes:
- Having security on site 24/7, with two teams present overnight.
- PF&R Downtown East Needle Team attending daily to remove needles, sharps, and other drug-related paraphernalia.
- Outreach staff working with encampment residents every weekday to support their housing readiness and connect them to available indoor space.
- Toronto Fire Services visiting twice a week to help address fire risks and provide safety education.
- PF&R Encampment Operations Team to attend daily to continue footprint reductions and conduct cleaning around encampments.
- Gathering local agencies to provide support in providing services in the park.
This work will be adaptive and continue until all residents are housed.
What action is the City taking on the housing crisis?
Addressing housing instability is a multi-faceted effort that involves protecting rental units, increasing the number of deeply affordable homes, providing rent support to prevent evictions, and expanding the number of shelter spaces to match the growing need. As pandemic reliefs come to an end, every level of government must step up and provide both emergency and long-term funding to address the housing crisis and ensure no one is left behind.
The City's position is that the safest spaces are indoor spaces. Our current shelter system is often near or at full capacity. Some residents have been turned away or felt unsafe in these spaces, leaving many to feel that living outdoors is their best option. The City's centralized waitlist for subsidized housing for long-term rent-geared to income housing is unfortunately substantial and we know more must be done in the short-term to provide support.
I am actively working with my council colleagues and Mayor Chow to meet the housing crisis with the urgency it requires and to utilise all tools at the City’s disposal. Actions we have taken over the last few months include:
- Moving to build 65,000 new affordable homes, including two priority sites in Spadina-Fort York
- Raising the Vacant Home Tax from 1% to 3%, with increased funding to supplement the Multi-Unit Residential Acquisition program, which preserves rental housing in Toronto
- Redefining "affordable rental housing" and "affordable home ownership" to be based on income in the City’s 2020-2030 action plan
- Exploring the potential for office conversions - and affordable housing - in Downtown Toronto
- Implementing the Winter Services Plan, which has included expanding existing shelter sites, opening three new 24-hour winter respite sites, and working with our drop-in providers to extend their hours of operations at multiple sites, adding up to an additional 140 hours of drop-in services this winter.
- Adopting the Shelter Infrastructure Plan, to increase shelter availability, including requests to the federal government to open up the armouries, including Fort York.
Opening new shelter locations is not easy. Of the 130 locations examined for warming centres, only 4 were deemed suitable. If you are aware of a location that could be home to a future shelter location, please contact Shelter, Support and Housing Administration as they are always looking for new locations.
There are also a number of policy choices from the provincial government that have significantly contributed to the current housing crisis, byproducts of which are an influx of homelessness and people living outdoors. These choices include wholly insufficient income supports for those living on Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) that are creating conditions for poverty and economic instability. The current provincial minimum wage is also unlivable in the City of Toronto.
The Province has not granted formal permission for the City's inclusionary zoning plan, which would guarantee a certain amount of each new development be earmarked for affordable housing. The Province has also removed rent-control on buildings first occupied after late 2018 which has led to higher and often unsustainable rents.
Who to Call
311 or 416-338-0889 (TTY)
To report concerns about:
- Excessive noise
- Excessive litter
- Hazardous materials in parks
- Illegal dumping
- Graffiti
- Request Sidewalk and street cleaning
911 Emergency Services
For situations where the safety of people or property are at risk
- Fire
- Crime in progress
- Medical emergency
- Agitated or aggressive behaviour
Toronto Fire Services 416-338-9375 or [email protected]
To discuss general non-emergency fire safety concerns related to an encampment.
Central Intake 416-397-5637
Telephone support to individuals seeking access to emergency shelter.
Toronto Community Crisis Response 211
If someone is experiencing emotional distress or in need of crisis intervention.
You can always get in touch with my office if you have any concerns that you aren’t sure where to direct at [email protected].
If you want to join the City’s calls, to ensure that other levels of government are supporting the City in responding to the homelessness crisis, you can:
- Sign MPP Chris Glover’s petitions to the provincial government to double OW and ODSP and develop a provincial homelessness and housing strategy.
- Call on the federal government to match the New Deal’s commitments to invest in housing and shelters, including adequately fund shelter spaces for refugees and asylum seekers.