Skating is one of winter’s best activities and I am thrilled to be hosting skating parties throughout the season. We started off in January with Alexandra Park, now join me at these events to enjoy hot drinks and free skate rentals as we get on the ice!
- The Bentway (250 Fort York Blvd on Friday February 7th from 5:30-7:30pm
- Sherbourne Common (61 Dockside Drive) on Friday February 14th from 1:00-3:00pm (it's a PA day!)
- Harbourfront Centre (235 Queens Quay W) on Saturday February 22nd from 1:00-3:00pm
RSVP below and get all the details for each event after the jump!
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The Bentway
Date: Friday, February 7th
Location: The Bentway (250 Fort York Blvd.)
Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
We are delighted to offer:
- Free hot chocolate on a first-come, first served basis
- Free skate and helmet rentals on a first-come, first served basis
Thank you to the Bentway for making this possible!
Sherbourne Common
Date: Friday, February 14th
Location: Sherbourne Common (61 Dockside Drive)
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
We are delighted to offer:
Thank you to our co-hosts, the Waterfront BIA!
Harbourfront Centre
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Location: Harbourfront Centre (235 Queens Quay W.)
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
We are delighted to offer:
- Free hot chocolate
- Free skate and helmet rentals on a first-come, first served basis
I was thrilled to bring back skating to Harbourfront Centre with our community and can’t wait to see you there!