One Yonge Community Recreation Centre
24 Freeland Street, Toronto, ON

Story Time with Councillor Malik at One Yonge CRC

This event has already taken place.

Join Councillor Malik for Storytime, as a part of the brand new One Yonge Community Recreation Centre's Open House!

At 11:30am on Saturday June 17th, she'll be reading some of her favourite kids' books as a part of the opening weekend for this new, beautiful community centre. 

The Open House will run Saturday June 17 and Sunday June 18 from 10am to 2pm. Drop by to:

  • Explore the new recreation facility and amenities
  • Learn about Community Recreation programs, including CampTO, aquatics and how to register
  • Provide input on recreation programs and services that you're interested in
  • Participate in free try-it programs, including sports, fitness, music and dance as well as early years and pre-school activities

For more information visit the centre's website.

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