Skate with Ausma this February!
This February, join Ausma at skating rinks across the ward to embrace winter fun and meet your neighbours!
We have seen the important concerns expressed about the Toronto Island Park Master Plan, and specifically the future of Hanlan’s Point that are being voiced online. We have reached out to the organizers, and look forward to working together to address these concerns. The Toronto Island Park Master Plan is not yet finalized, and there are opportunities to improve the outcome of this process.
We have had conversations with City staff, who have assured us that a built concert space is not part of the Master Plan but we need clarification on what is meant by festival space that is referenced in current documents and whether it reflects community feedback.
To that end, the Toronto Island Park Master Plan team is hosting an additional Public Meeting specifically about Hanlan’s Event Space on Thursday February 23rd at 5:30PM.
Sign up to participate in this virtual meeting at:
Through their iterative public engagement process, the City is looking for ways to expand the clothing-optional beach, to improve safety and access, and to approach decision-making that prioritizes ecological integrity and sustainability across Toronto Islands.
The Toronto Island Park Master Plan process is very much ongoing. As local City Councillors, we wish to see Hanlan’s Point celebrated and preserved as the safe, public, accessible, vibrant, and queer-friendly space it has been for many generations. We will continue to focus on advocating for, respecting, and honouring the history and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
Find more information about the Toronto Island Park Master Plan at:
Ausma Malik
City Councillor, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York
Chris Moise
City Councillor, Ward 13, Toronto Centre
This February, join Ausma at skating rinks across the ward to embrace winter fun and meet your neighbours!
Taylor Swift is coming to Toronto and we're getting ready! Come to Ready For It, in partnership with the Bentway, to craft with your neighbours and get all the information you need to stay safe, have fun, and get around during the concert dates.
Today, I’m pleased to announce the full opening of King Street West from Dufferin to Shaw 10 weeks earlier than expected. The King Street West construction project was a significant undertaking: work began by the City and the TTC in February to renew aging streetcar tracks. The City also replaced the 146-year-old watermain.
Starting September 3, 2024, 509 Harbourfront streetcars will be replaced by bus service. This work is expected to last until January 2025, as part of a city-wide state of good repair program that’s completing necessary maintenance and improvements on all of our streetcar lines.
There are still many ways to soak up the rest of summer! It’s been a busy one, and amidst it I’ve loved taking some time to cheer on the Canadian athletes’ efforts and achievements at the Olympics, now preparing for the Paralympics. And of course, the Canadian National Exhibition officially began today. You can find details about planning your CNE trip here.
The 145th Canadian National Exhibition starts today in Toronto, running to Monday September 2! I know it is a part of so many people’s annual summer tradition - mine included. And it means people will be coming from near and far to Exhibition Place, with additional traffic, road closures, and diversions.
In my last newsletter we discussed the ongoing traffic concerns in the ward. Thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts, ideas, and frustrations, as we work to find the best paths forward to keep our neighbourhoods moving. There are a few key actions I am taking to address these concerns. Read on to learn more!