Last week we took another important step forward in our work to protect the future of Ontario Place. The General Government Committee adopted my motion to defer consideration of a land transfer being demanded by the Ford government until City Council makes a decision on the development application for Ontario Place.
Your voice matters in Ontario Place’s future
We’ve got to get the future of Ontario Place right. And the current development application raises a lot of serious concerns.
Spring brings new opportunities
It was a great disappointment but unfortunately no surprise that yesterday's provincial budget contained no significant support for Toronto. Our city deserves better. And we will continue to fight for it.
Moving forward together
While there are changes ahead in the Mayor's office over the next few months, our work serving our communities in Spadina–Fort York continues as determined as ever.
A more equal city is a safer city
I'm one of 1.7 million people who use TTC every day. Riders and workers can, and should, be safe moving across our City.
New Year, New Budget
Happy new year! This week the City of Toronto's 2023 Budget was released. As we know, budgets convey priorities. We are still digging into the details, one thing that is clear: while people in Toronto are struggling, the choices in this budget do not do enough to make life better.
This is just the beginning
It’s an honour to be your new City Councillor for Toronto’s Ward 10, Spadina–Fort York. In the month since the term began I have been busy working with my team setting up our office, meeting with our local community and neighbourhood organizations, being briefed by City staff on projects taking place throughout our ward, and learning the ins and outs of City Hall.